Month September 2002


Mozilla I’ve been using the open source Mozilla browser for a few weeks now.  It’s at least the equal of Internet Explorer – but without gaping security holes requiring endless updates. Open source is software written and supported by an avid community of users.  Generally…

Congress overwhelmed with anti-war calls…

Congress overwhelmed with anti-war calls from “The Silenced Majority” Republican and Democratic Senate offices report “overwhelming” opposition from their constituents to war with Iraq. This comes as Congress prepares to pass a war resolution granting President Bush sweeping powers to…

Stunned S.F. Valley residents cope…

Stunned S.F. Valley residents cope with sub-100 degree heat “What happened to the sun, Mommy”, asked little Jenny, age 6.  Her mother replied, “It went behind the clouds”.  Jenny then asked, “What are clouds?”. “Dude, I may have to wear long pants,…

Google search for this site…

Google search for this site added You can now search this site using Google (use the Google icon under the calendar at the top of the home page) Thanks to John Robb’s Radio Weblog for the code – which works on any…

London anti-war protest. 150,000-400,00 people…

London anti-war protest. 150,000-400,00 people show up! Organizers were hoping for 100,000 people.  This turnout is way better than anyone dared hope for. Tens of thousands of people are taking part in a protest against military action in Iraq which…