Month September 2002

Something’s happening here…

Something’s happening here… When the Afghanistan bombing was about to start, a friend and I argued so vehemently about it that our friendship nearly ended.  She was adamant in her defense of Bush.  And yes, I can be a teensy…

The MC5 get some recognition

The MC5 get some recognition The MC5 were among the best, most powerful rock bands ever. Their Kick Out The Jams LP, recorded live in ’68, remains a wondrous, politicized, take-no-prisoners sonic barrage.  And political they were. Upfront revolutionaries, in…

Stealware: Kazaa et al Stealing…

Stealware: Kazaa et al Stealing Link Commissions. “We all heard about spyware, well now Kazaa, Morpheus and LimeWire are sneaking a new type of nastiness onto your computer, software that – without you even knowing it – redirects commissions for…

Let one hundred browsers bloom…

Let one hundred browsers bloomMozilla is open source browser software.  With open source, anyone can build their own browser.  Netscape 7 is a notable example. Different strokes for different folks. The browser features you need may not be ones I…

The skateboard car [1]

The skateboard car Last January, Larry Burns, General Motors’ vice president for research and development and planning, unveiled the company’s plans for the car of the future. It wasn’t exactly a car but the underpinnings of one, sort of a…