Month September 2002

Bin Laden alive and in…

Bin Laden alive and in commandHmmm, bin Laden lets us know he is alive right before the 9/11 anniversary.  No doubt in hopes of provoking Dubya into a rabid frenzy. The editor of a London-based Arabic language daily newspaper Sunday repeated his claim that Osama…

Super sneaky Republican strategy leaked…

Super sneaky Republican strategy leaked to press! Pssst.  Bush wants Republicans to lose seats in Nov.  Then Bush can win in 2004 by showing everyone what baddies the Democrats are!  Fiendish!  And somehow this got leaked to the NY Times. Translation:…

Sen. Lugar to Bush. Get…

Sen. Lugar to Bush. Get Iraq ok Yet another ranking Republican tells Bush to slow down on Iraq while Democrats continue snoozing at their desks.  There was a time, kids, when Democrats were known for being anti-war and anti-imperialism.  Hard to believe,…

The Viridian Biofuture Robot Dog…

The Viridian Biofuture Robot Dog Contest!The little critter to the right is the Sony Robot Dog.  He understands 75 commands. Viridian is a group of artists, futurists, sf writers, and various net denizens who are concerned with global warming.  We (yes,…