Stunned S.F. Valley residents cope…

Stunned S.F. Valley residents cope with sub-100 degree heat

“What happened to the sun, Mommy”, asked little Jenny, age 6.  Her mother replied, “It went behind the clouds”.  Jenny then asked, “What are clouds?”.

“Dude, I may have to wear long pants, and shoes instead of sandals”, opined Jeffrey ‘Headbanger’ Hampton, “if I can remember where I put them, that is.  Tuesday was 113, now it’s 66.  This is totally bogus.  I forget what to wear when it’s not at least 90 degrees.”

Yes, fall may have finally arrived to the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. Shopkeepers report plunging sales of bottled water, and the eerie silence reported by many is due to air conditioners not being on constantly.