Month February 2003


“Joseph Lieberman. A new kind of Democrat. The Republican kind.” More

Lion dung & the coming…

Lion dung & the coming war A railroad in Japan, which had a problem with wild deer getting on the tracks and causing accidents, has found a solution. They spread lion dung on the tracks! The deers stay away. End…

Wholly War

Wholly War From Progressive Review “On our main web page we show a miniature of the New Yorker’s latest cover which features a menacing Muslim gentleman in camouflage examining a route map on a subway. One wonders whether the New…

Kucinich gets body-bagged

Kucinich gets body-bagged Did Dennis Kucinich play the race card in a ’72 election – ethnic whites against blacks? The respected Talking Points Memo (TPM) explains “Basically, in the early days — before he was running citywide, let alone nationwide…