Month February 2003

US ‘virtual march’ over Iraq…

 US ‘virtual march’ over Iraq a huge success! From the BBC: “Thousands of anti-war activists have been bombarding the White House and senators with phone calls and e-mails in a virtual protest over the Iraq crisis.  Backed by a number…

When the lies stop working

When the lies stop working Ari laughed off the stage. MR. FLEISCHER: This is a time — no, the President is not offering quid pro quos. This is a time for nations to do what they estimate is the right…

To google or not to…

To google or not to google “Google’s trademark counsel sending out dumb lawyer-letters over “to google”.  Google’s trademark counsel has begun sending lawyer-letters to people who use “to google” as a verb, asking them to to take down or revise…

A truckdriving poet

A truckdriving poet Daniel Pino, a Sacramento poet and truck driver, has a website of thoughful writings about peace, unions, and what what’s happening in this country.His writings include: The collapse of Consolidated Freightways “The full liquidation of Consolidated Freightways is…

Supremes finds prosecutors acted with…

Supremes finds prosecutors acted with ‘race bias’ An African-American man’s murder conviction has been thrown into doubt after the <U.S.> Supreme Court Tuesday found Texas prosecutors used “race bias” during jury selection. Clarence Thomas was the sole dissenting vote. Go…