Month February 2003

A friend ponders

A friend ponders “When and where do you think the conflagration will start?  North Korea, Iraq? Two news iems – North Korea launches missile into sea. Saddam won’t destroy missles, wants to debate Bush on live tv. The second one sounds…

Meet Howard Dean

Meet Howard Dean He’s not Green, or even a Liberal, says CounterPunch, who offers considerable proof.

U.N. inspectors call U.S. tips…

U.N. inspectors call U.S. tips ‘garbage’ “So frustrated have the inspectors become that one source has referred to the U.S. intelligence they’ve been getting as “garbage after garbage after garbage.” In fact, Phillips says the source used another cruder word.…

John Quincy Adams on U.S….

John Quincy Adams on U.S. foreign policy Excerpts from Secretary of State John Quincy Adams speech to the House of Representatives, July 4, 1821. Would it be that what he said then was still true today. “She <The U.S.> has,…

The fiends are everywhere

The fiends are everywhere A Naval Commander fears terrorist attacks in Riverside CA, as well as scary monsters under his bed at night no doubt. Should we tell him that Riverside is, in fact, seriously inland. Further, can we take…