The Internet Archive and

The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. The Archive has a stupendous amount…

iTunes and podcasting

iTunes now supports podcasting, and the increased traffic is still melting down the normal distribution channels. After trying multiple times on Wednesday to get Adam Curry’s latest podcast through iPodder or off one of his websites and  getting dead servers instead,…

Welcome to the Hotel Justice Souter

Could a hotel be built on the land owned by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter? A new ruling by the Supreme Court which was supported by Justice Souter himself itself might allow it. A private developer is seeking to…

Mission deaccomplished: Lies, and more lies

Invoking the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 five times, President Bush took to the airwaves Tuesday night in an attempt to bolster sagging support for the war in Iraq. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 and Bush made…

Governor Lunkhead

Just 39% want to re-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger has lost the support of nearly every segment of the California electorate, with a majority of voters now saying they are not inclined to re-elect him, a new Field Poll has found. His…

Bloggers and Journos: friends or enemies?

From Slugger O’Toole In the indispensable media section of yesterday’s Observer Rafael Behr notes that there is a tendency amongst some mainstream journalists to want bloggers to shut up believing that professional journalism alone is the only legitimate watchdog of…

iTunes now supports podcasting!

Apple’s iTunes now has a directory of several thousand podcasts, all downloadable. Wahoo! The podcasting world celebrated this auspicious event by having its servers melt down under the increased load. From Adam Curry Well, the big day is finally here,…