Month December 2005

Still want to enlist?

The spiraling cost of post-traumatic stress disorder among war veterans has triggered a politically charged debate and ignited fears that the government is trying to limit expensive benefits for emotionally scarred troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The article points…

Rep. Dimbulb

At a time when most members of Congress are tripping over each other to get rid of Abramoff-tainted money, U.S. Rep. J.D. Hayworth, R-Ariz. in a startling display of political stupidity, says he’s keeping the money.

Caught in their own lies

US embassy close to admitting Syria rendition flight Statement contradicts ambassador’s interview Correction could leave Britain open to challenge This one’s about to blow wide open…

Freedom lovin’ George

President Bush has acknowledged that several hundred targeted Americans were wiretapped without warrants under the National Security Agency’s domestic spying program, and now some U.S. officials and outside experts say they suspect that the government is engaged in a far…