Month December 2005

Shades of the Weather Underground

Defense lawyers in some of the country’s biggest terrorism cases say they plan to bring legal challenges to determine whether the National Security Agency used illegal wiretaps against several dozen Muslim men tied to Al Qaeda. The lawyers said in…

Secure airports?

Not really. If you fly by private plane, there are no inspections and searches by TSA.  Just walk up to the plane and fly away. The pilot might be asked to show ID, pilot license, and maybe a list of…

Greece investigates torture charges

The Greek justice ministry has launched an inquiry into the alleged torture of Pakistani terror suspects after their lawyer announced he would press charges against Greek intelligence officers named by a newspaper. The weekly Proto Thema (Top Story) revealed on…


We shall be returning those 2551 miles too soon (see photo.) I am becoming dangerously relaxed here in Hawaii. This photo was taken in Lanai City, a tiny town on the rural island of Lania, formerly the Dole pineapple planation.…


I’ve no idea what they are. The fruits are at least 18 inches long. I’ve been eating lots of papaya and apple bananas (yes, these are bananas that taste a bit like apples) and stuffing myself with mahi-mahi, ahi, and…