Month December 2005


The cliffs are a’a, a type of lava that looks like freshly tilled soil, but is solid rock. In the background are the foothils of 10,000 ft. Mount Haleakala, which erupted 200+ years ago, creating the cliffs. Photos taken during…


The island in the distance, Kahoolawe, used to be a Navy bombing range. It’s now being restored to its orginal condition and when completed, only native Hawaiians will be able to go to it.  

Surfer cross

There was another cross next to it. They weren’t there last year when we did this hike. Don’t know what happened.    

Blogdom comes through

Body and Soul will continue. Blogdom came through and now Jeanne will be able to replace her dying computer and thus save her blog, a blog treasured by many. Jeanne blogs her stunned thanks, more than 100 donated, using a…