Month February 2003

Babies’ mental delay tied to…

Babies’ mental delay tied to moms’ vegan diet “The breast-fed infants of two mothers who did not eat any animal products, including milk and eggs, developed brain abnormalities as a result of a vitamin-B12 deficiency, the US Centers for Disease…

Talk about a coverup…

Talk about a coverup… A friend emails; “I waited to send this until I saw a second reference; it is just too surreal. Someone at the UN authorized the “Guernica” tapestry (the original painting is now back in non-fascist Spain)…

Phil Spector arrested for first…

Phil Spector arrested for first degree murderLegendary record producer Phil Spector (Ronettes, Righteous Brothers, Beatles, Ramones) has been arrested for first degree murder after police answered a 911 call at his mansion and found a dead woman. His attorney is Robert Shapiro,…

The lunatics have taken over…

The lunatics have taken over the asylum, Chapter 27. From the L.A. Times; The Pentagon is reseaching how to make nuclear bombs ‘usable’ “The Pentagon has launched a fast-track program to develop computers that would help decide when nuclear weapons might…

The best allies money can…

The best allies money can buy From the Chicago Tribune “U.S. woos war allies with cash, weaponsIraq’s neighbors swap staging sites for billions in aid The coalition of the willing, said security analyst Loren Thompson, “is really a coalition of…