Month February 2003

War ‘would mean biggest oil…

War ‘would mean biggest oil shock ever’ “The world will suffer a bigger oil crisis than that during the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1973 if the US declares war on Iraq, according to leading US investment bank Goldman Sachs. “A war…

MS Linux: Shipping in November…

MS Linux: Shipping in November 2003 “We are now offering the MS Linux Introductory CD at a special introductory price of only $249.99 (plus shipping and handling), if you order before it ships. MS Linux is released under the provisions…

How it works

How it works Excerpts from an interview with BBC reporter Greg Palast. LLOYD HART: Is it really truly a failure when a country implodes like Argentina just did or is it an opportunity or seen as an opportunity to go…

Space shuttle explosion

Space shuttle explosion Poynter Online and Scripting News are running continous news, links, and info on this breaking tragedy. Doc Searls notes “I covered the first and 7th launches of Columbia, the first launch photos are on the wall in my…


Blowback War anxiety propels euro above dollar “Growing fear of war in Iraq has pushed Europe’s common currency, the euro, sharply higher against the dollar, reversing a long-established pattern in which geopolitical jitters led investors to seek refuge in U.S.…