Month February 2003

Vaclav Havel steps down as…

Vaclav Havel steps down as Czech President Vaclav Havel and Nelson Mandela are my political heros. Both led that rarest of all political events; a non-violent revolution – Mandela in South Africa, Havel in Czechoslovakia. These were the people who…

Space shuttle

Space shuttle The L.A. Times reports the space shuttles are so old that replacement parts are difficult to find, that engineers sometimes use eBay to find them, and that the computer processors used is the Intel 8086. The 8086 is the processor used…

Feb 15. Worldwide peace rallies

Feb 15. Worldwide peace rallies So far the Feb 15 peace rallies will be in dozens of cities worldwide. The biggest rally in the US will unquestionably be in NYC, and was called by United For Peace. Hey, NYC hasn’t had…

Feb 4. No War for…

Feb 4. No War for Oil day On Feb 4 “hundreds of gas stations across the country and around the world will be targeted as we send a clear message that access to oil is not worth war.” “Leafleting, vigils,…

Blix bashes Bush bullshit

Blix bashes Bush bullshit 1) Hans Blix says his UN report has no evidence for Iraq war. “Days after delivering a broadly negative report on Iraq’s cooperation with international inspectors, Hans Blix on Wednesday challenged several of the Bush administration’s…