Tag Solyndra

Solyndra news

Solyndra CEO touted progress to lawmakers just before bankruptcy. Lawmakers are seriously honked off by this, as the CEO rather badly misled them. Republicans say the investigations will continue. In rush to assist a solar company, U.S. missed signs. “Missed”?…

Solyndra fallout

Mill Valley CA decided not to install two EV charging stations, which would have cost the city just $1,000 a year, after a resident said in a city council meeting that EVs being forced by D.C. are “another Solyndra.” Mill…

Solyndra executives getting slammed in hearing

Live on C-Span. Solyndra executives plead to fifth, refuse to testify. this is their right but obviously looks terrible. A $75 million loan was made senior to a federal loan. This is not only appalling but some congressmen think this…

Solyndra and LightSquared

The scandals are getting bigger. Solyndra execs to plead the Fifth at hearing today. This has to be under their lawyer’s advice because it looks so bad otherwise. Why was Congress forced to subpoena head of Obama’s budget office to…