Tag Romney

I’m voting for Rombama in 2012!

“Obama reveals his philosophy of government – tax cuts, deregulation, downsizing government – and then calls it a sharp contrast to Romney’s!” — Doug Henwood With the exception of a few social issues, Romney and Obama are identical. Both favor…

Harbinger of things to come?

Willard Romney, the one-percenter Mormon, won the Iowa Republican Caucus over Christian Fascist Rick Santorum last night by a whooping eight votes”¦ with six votes less than he received there four years ago. Iowa, a state that has in seven of…

Romney and Huntsman

Romney is still the one to beat, for sure. Many say Huntsman can’t win because he’s too moderate. Maybe, but don’t count him out. He moves between all the levels of the different political strata effortlessly, is low-key, likeable, and…