Category Socialism

Jesus was a pinko commie

It’s that time of year where we celebrate a hodge-podge of Pagan and Christian stuff all brought together by Coca Cola in the 1930s under one of the most successful ad campaigns in history. Some people hate it for the…

For your consideration, a juxtaposition

Yesterday NPR’s All Things Considered interviewed Rep. David Dreier (R-CA) about the reason the Republicans blocked the two month payroll tax relief and unemployment extension. After an initial attempt at obfuscation, he finally said that the Senate’s bill didn’t go far enough…

Why Obama is not a socialist

Colin McEnrow of the Hartford Courant sadly and finally gives up on Obama, and in doing so explains why Obama is not now and could never be a socialist. He’s not the guy I thought he was. And Bill Clinton…

In praise of Marx

The Chronicle of Higher Education There is a sense in which the whole of Marx’s writing boils down to several embarrassing questions: Why is it that the capitalist West has accumulated more resources than human history has ever witnessed, yet…