Category Brave New War

Cascadia. A place apart

Historically, the people of each land base have been an integral element of that place’s life. We need only examine the ecologically adaptive cultures of indigenous populations to witness this. In the dominant culture, we have lost our way. We have…

When you break the Social Contract

Forty-three years ago I got a Social Security Card and went to work on a cattle ranch a hundred miles the other side of Burns (Oregon). When I first cashed that first paycheck, I entered into a social contract with…

YouTube and Politics I

This is the first of a series of articles co-written by D.J. Mitchell and Susan Cain on how YouTube is used in politics.  Susan has done most of the research. YouTube, the free video sharing site offers an incredible medium…

The case for Resilient Community

Some years ago I visited two villages near Gampaha, Sri Lanka. Both were small and poor. Both were inhabited by members of Rodhi caste, the Sinhalese version of untouchables. But there, all similarity ended. In the first, families of five…