Pat H

Pat H

We have been this way before

Erik Loomis at Lawyers, Gun$ and Money continues his excellent series on Labor History today with a look at the first convention of the People’s Party in  Omaha, Nebraska, in 1892. During the late 1880s, Farmers’ Alliance members began reaching…

TSA: Out in left field

The TSA keeps on keeping on. Between May 4th and 10th, 2012, here’s what they found on the roughly 10 million air passengers* in US airports during that period. Firearms: 30 - 29 loaded; 1 unloaded 1 artfully concealed prohibited item found at checkpoints TSA’s homepage…

What Pierce said about the Facebook IPO

Charles Pierce, as usual, has nailed it. The man is a national treasure. If we cheer for big money simply as big money, we’re simply never going to get right again. If we pretend to be vicariously rich in order…