Pat H

Pat H

How to become an American

Charles Pierce has a suggestion: To me, you become an American when you acknowledge within yourself that the country doesn’t belong to you. That it is something held in common by the Italian butcher, and the French-Canadian mechanic, and the…

BSE: We’re all mad here

Well, not all of us (yet), but an animal that recently died on a dairy on California has been found be infected with “mad cow disease.” The cow was tested by the rendering plant that collected the carcass and was…

Just another week for the TSA

First, to get the basics out of the way, let’s see what we got in return for the weekly $150,961,538 they cost us. According to the TSA, here’s what they found during the period between April 6th and April 12, 2012 :…

California’s Fort Ord is now a National Monument

On Friday, President Obama declared Ft. Ord, the former Army base located just north of Monterey, California, a national monument. The designation will afford additional protection to the 7,200 acres, which is managed by the federal Bureau of Land Management.…

Iceland: It’s different there

Every four years, residents of New Hampshire (population 1.3 million) are the focus of media attention as every want-to-be presidential hopeful comes to their state for the first primary of the year. Voters have a chance to meet the candidates…