On arrogance and pine bark beetles

Pine bark beetle devastation (fs.usda)

We oft hear from those who doubt the climate is changing or the world is older than a mere six thousand years that it is arrogant to presume that we mere humans could possibly have an affect upon our planet. It is, after all, a big place that has experienced many changes down through the eons, and the thought that we could “destroy” it, or make uninhabitable to humans, is generally unfathomable. Fathom this, climate change and pine bark beetles”¦

Arrogance, and the Mountain Pine Bark Beetle at the Independent Voter Network.

Don’t tell me it is arrogant to presume that we mere humans could have an affect upon our planet. I’ve watched it happen.

One comment

  1. The planet will be ok, we’re the one’s who are gonna get screwed. Long after we’re gone, the earth will most likely still be here. All this damage we’re doing the planet will shake off like a bad weekend long after we’re gone. I think George Carlin said it best……..”The Planet is fine. The people are Fu[..]ed”

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