1. Is this really a “new” discovery — or only a new disclosure of old information to an ignorant populace?

    Shale oil has a nasty extraction process — either strip mining or fracking. Either way, hard on the environment.

    I hope that it remains economically infeasible to mine the shale, until alternatives are well in place.

    • Hmm, yes, this does sound like that big find they recently had in Afghanistan, it just popped out of the blue, apparently.

      Shale extraction is indeed evil, messy, and costly

  2. Perfect! Now we can bring our boys, girls and billions of dollars home from the Middle East and secure the borders – nobody in, nobody out – in a return to the Monroe Doctrine, where we took care of our own and ignored the rest of the world’s bullshit. Reinvest the three billion dollars a year in direct military aid and over a trillion dollars in war on Israel’s, and coincidentally Oil, behalf in the extraction, refinement and production down-stream of these reserves while flipping a flying fat middle mind-yer-own-business I’ll mind mine finger at the rest of the world. Take care of our own – rebuild the roads, bridges and schools, join the twenty-first century (pig era).

    Yeah, right. I agree with Sue, this is a crock. Kinda like the diamonds, and most recently a similar “oil find”, in Afghanistan story. Not to mention shale extraction is at a minimum forty-two dollars a barrel, setting aside the degradation of the quality of living in the production areas which – surprise surprise! – lay on Reservation lands.

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