Month March 2006

Headzup, “the first video comic strip for cell phones and iPods” You can view them on your PC too. Check it out, these are fun, politically-edged 5-10 second mini-videos. I met HeadZup Head John Shay last year at Gnomedex. He…

Why no bill is better than a bad bill

The Senate version of the Immigration bill, the supposed ‘moderate’ bill, contains some really ugly stuff. Emphasis added. Call your Senator, get in the streets, let’s stop this noxious bill. From the Immigrant Solidarity listserv. (I’m printing the whole thing…

Condi goes to Liverpool

CondiWatch UK has this to say about her visit tomorrow. 4,000 ‘NO’s in Blackburn, Lancashire. Serious protests are planned. More Maybe she needs Steve Earle to serenade her? He’s got a song called ‘Condi, Condi‘.

AWOL: Black Leaders and Immigration

Where are the Old Line Civil Rights Groups? By Earl Ofari Hutchinson The great irony in the gargantuan march of tens of thousands in Los Angeles and other cities for immigrant rights is that the old civil rights groups have…

Ex-prosecutor in terror inquiry is indicted

Forget the ‘terrorists’, we need protection from the government! A grand jury charged Wednesday that a former federal prosecutor in Detroit who led one of the Justice Department’s biggest terrorism investigations concealed critical evidence in an effort to bolster the…