Month December 2005

U.S. admits to paying Iraqi newspapers

The U.S. military in Iraq today acknowledged paying to place news articles in Iraqi publications, saying the practice was a necessary part of "information operations" to counter extensive "propaganda" by insurgents. When asked if bribing journalists to publish slanted stories…

The War on Al Jazeera

Just a few days before Bush allegedly proposed bombing the network, Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Falluja, Ahmed Mansour, reported live on the air, "Last night we were targeted by some tanks, twice…but we escaped. The US wants us out of…

The al-Jazeera leak trial

From ringverse at Blair Watch in comments here, on the Official Secrets Act and trial of the two charged with leaking the al-Jazeera memo. I thought this important enough to make into a full post. A friend of mine has…

The two memos – a beginners guide

Also from ringverse, posted on Blair Watch This explains in chronological order what happened, what the two memos are, how the cover-up happened, concluding with why it’s important Why Does it Matter? Because if the governmet took advantage of the…