Tag Venezuela

Venezuela strike gets serious

Venezuela strike gets serious Two people dead. Major strikes in key industries. Their oil industry is nearly been shut down – which will spike world oil prices within a few days. A polarized populace. Those who want President Chavez to…

Rich Man’s Strike Fails in…

Rich Man’s Strike Fails in Venezuela Today’s attempted strike in Venezuela the fourth this year attempted by pro-coup elements of the oligarchy, the country’s former rulers, foreign interests, and that nation’s corrupt and dishonest Commercial Media is, by all accounts,…

Why Chavez took over Caracas…

Why Chavez took over Caracas police department President Chavez of Argentina recently nationalized the Caracas police department, he took a lot of static here for doing so. A supposedly anti-democratic move. Well, maybe not. Imagine, for a moment, that the…

Atmosphere tense in Venezuela

Atmosphere tense in Venezuela Takeover of Caracas Police Sparks New Venezuela Row. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s government on Saturday took control of the Caracas city police from the capital’s anti-Chavez mayor in a move opponents condemned as an illegal abuse…

Things are getting wobbly in…

Things are getting wobbly in Venezuela One Dead, 20 Hurt in Venezuela Street Clashes. One person was shot dead and at least 20 others were wounded by gunfire on Tuesday when Venezuelan riot police battled militant supporters of President Hugo…