Tag swine flu

Joe Biden is right. Avoid planes

Infrastructurist quotes from the government’s own reference guide, and indeed, flying is a swell way to spread viruses. “A sneeze produces approximately 2 million viable particles. These do not remain airborne very long, but are highly infective and can be…

Swine flu hysteria and misinformation

Do a Twitter Search for swine flu and you’ll find more than a little hysteria and misinformation coupled with the inevitable wackos trying to sell you on their conspiracy theory. Sigh. Instead, wash your hands. Be healthy. Don’t worry. And…

Swine flu. Don’t believe the hype

OMIGOD. Swine flu will surely attack the entire planet. Apocalyptic scenarios of mass doom abound. Be scared, be very scared. Truly, it is TEOTWAWKI. (Wait, wasn’t the world supposed to end during the last 5 Horrible Threats To Us All?)…

Swine flu outbreak hits U.S.

A new swine flu with “pandemic potential” is spreading in Mexico, and has reportedly also been sickening those in the United States. It bears re-posting: There’s not much you can do about a influenza pandemic except “be prepared.” It is…