Tag Mexico drug cartels

Do gang members infiltrate law enforcement?

Margarita Crispin, a corrupt customs inspector, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for letting marijuana pass through the border. She made nearly $5 million doing this, and lived frugally on the US side of the border while buying expensive…

Governmental derangement syndrome. #2

Napolitano: Border security ‘better than ever.’ Mexico border towns safe to do business in. What planet is Napolitano on? I suggest she take time out from her oh-so busy schedule of living inside the DC bubble and issuing bizarrely optimistic…

Female assassins for drug cartels

26 year old female assassin for narcos interviewed in prison (translated to English by Borderland Beat) Men, they do it for fun, because they enjoy killing, it makes them feel like big shit. Screw that. Us women, we get into…