Tag Japan nuclear plant

Planetary disaster

The multiple disasters in Japan will affect the entire planet. Business will be seriously disrupted and God’s mercy on us all if the radiation gets bad and spreads. Their government has been behind the curve the entire time, trying to…

Japan earthquake. Is a full recovery even possible

The Agonist has a comprehensive if deeply depressing piece detailing the multitude of severe problems facing Japan now, any one of which could cripple a country. Talk Left has more, including the sombre news that six reactors have failed or…

Japan’s biggest long-term problem may be electricity

With millions already without power, [Prime Minister] Kan said Japan would undergo planned outages in the coming days to preserve what electricity remained. Large areas of the quake area are without power. This lessens demand. When those areas come back…

AP. Frantic efforts to avert meltdown in Japan

This after relentlessly perky propaganda from the Japanese government saying everything was a-ok, even as they extended the evacuation area, and had police in respirators scanning people for radiation. Now the truth is coming out. They’re pumping in seawater in…