Tag Israel

Vatican: Gaza like “big concentration camp”

Cardinal Martino, president of the Vatican’s Council for Justice and Peace, made the comment to Italian online site Il Sussidiario. “Defenceless populations are always the ones who pay,” he said. “Look at the conditions in Gaza: more and more, it…

Life must go on in Gaza and Sderot

They call themselves Peace Man and Hope Man, one is Israeli, the other Palestinian. They live on opposite sides of the Israel-Gaza border. They blog about what it’s like. This blog is written by 2 friends. One lives in Sajaia…

The Israeli attack on the school

What everyone needs to take but probably won’t. Harry’s Place And even if you hold Israel responsible for the current conflict, try to look at things from an Israeli point of view. Do you really think Israeli commander said, “There…

Boycott Israel. Boycott 729

“729” is the country code for Israel Boycott Israel has a huge amount of links and information about the growing number of campaigns to boycott Israel, plus lots more. Lest there be any doubt on the subject, this site is…

40 Palestinians killed in IDF strike on UN school

Huh. But the UN says they provide Israel with coordinates of their facilities specifically so they won’t be targeted. So why the deaths at the school, then? Are Gaza hospitals are being targeted? Craig Murray notes the immensely unbalanced coverage…