Tag drought

The Dehydrated States of America

It’s not just the American southwest that is experiencing drought. 50% of the US is dry or in drought. Lake Okeechobe in Florida has dried up so much that parts of its lakebed caught fire. The Jack Daniels distillery in…

Water shortages could cause forced migrations

“Hundreds of millions” of people may be compelled to relocate, says Scientific American. Low-lying coastal areas could be the worst hit – and that’s precisely where large population centers are too. May their predictions be wrong because if they are…

Driest year on record in L.A.

L.A. residents are being advised to reduce lawn watering and conserve water. There’s only been 4 inches of rain since July 2006. The Eastern Sierra mountains where L.A. gets half its water had the second lowest snowpack on record. So…