Category News

Yet another failed business Dubya…

Yet another failed business Dubya was involved withIt appears Dubya is a even worse businessman than Bill Simon, even if both politicians want us to think otherwise. DAVID IGNATIUS, INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE – It’s not something George W. Bush talks…

27 Percent Drop in Immigration…

27 Percent Drop in Immigration to Israel ‘Only 14,900 new immigrants arrived in Israel in the first half of 2002 – a 27 percent drop compared to the corresponding period in 2001 and 45 percent below the number that arrived…

Afghanistan is on the brink…

Afghanistan is on the brink of another disasterAnother Vietnam in the making? Kabul is alive with the kind of rumours that can never be substantiated but that stick in the mind, just as the dust of Kandahar stays in the…

Follow the Bush family money…

Follow the Bush family money to Sept 11?This long, meticulously documented article details Bush family money, Dubya’s tangled financial dealings, and wonders if 9/11 could have been prevented. There is a thread running through George W. Bush’s biography that connects family…