Pat H

Pat H

Biofuels: seaweed in your tank?

Scientists from Bio Architecture Lab in Berkeley, California have just announced that they have created a microbe that can convert the sugars in brown, inedible seaweed into energy far more efficiently than biofuels made from land-based crops like corn and…

Viewing the earth and sky: here are two apps

These two apps are awesome. There’s Star Walk – 5 Stars Astronomy Guide which costs $2.99 (and worth every penny). Star Walk enables you to point your iPhone at the sky and see what stars, constellations, and satellites you are looking at…

SOPA / PIPA: doing politics makes a difference

Matthew Yglesias sums up the lessons to be learned from the SOPA/PIPA fight this week. Here’s his final point, which I think is right on! 5) Public engagement matters: One key difference between this and, say, the Sonny Bono Copyright Term…