Nevada Democratic Party unveil appless app for caucus day 2/22

The Nevada Democratic Party was planning to use an app for their Feb 22 caucus that was written by Shadow, the company who wrote the buggy Iowa Democratic caucus app that crashed the Iowa caucus. NDP did fire Shadow immediately after the Iowa debacle. However it is rushing out a replacement iPad app (that they say isn’t an app) for the caucus on Feb 22. This is absolutely begging for disaster.

Hello, if it’s on an iPad it’s an app. Period. Pretending it isn’t is silly as well as deliberately evasive. I’m a software developer. Sounds like they are rushing out an app with no beta testing and little less training. And didn’t ask end users what they want, and what they will be able to easily use during the tumult of early voting and caucus day. I hop this doesn’t end up a smoking crater.

The new tool will help precinct chairs fold in the results from people in their precinct who chose to caucus early with the preferences of in-person attendees on Caucus Day by calculating the viability threshold and carrying out the two alignments in the caucus process, according to the volunteers and the video recording.

Asked by a volunteer whether results would be transmitted from one place to another, the staffer demurred.

Volunteers said they received little information at the training beyond a rough outline of how the tool is supposed to function. They also were unsure how the party plans to carry out its four-day early voting period, which previously relied on the use of an app to capture people’s preferences.

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