Don’t moan about Trump. Fight.

So, within just two months, our new president has the lowest poll ratings ever for this point in an Administration. He and his cohorts are being investigated by Justice for colluding with Russians on the election. His immigration, budget, healthcare plans are in deep trouble in Congress. Ranking members of his own party say he just made shit up when he accused a former president of wiretapping him through a foreign intelligence agency. He makes enemies constantly, and is no doubt embroiled in slimy financial arrangements with foreign governments.

You would think those who oppose him would be going woo-hoo, let’s throw some gasoline on this fire. However, too many liberals and progressives continue moaning about how bad Trump is, pondering if the investigations will go anywhere and what happens if they don’t, and isn’t it all just so terribly tragic.

There is a very good chance Trump could be toppled from power early. Sen. Feinstein thinks Trump he will resign within a few months. The chances of this happening are greatly increased if everyone fights hard and does everything they can to topple Trump. This is not the time for moaning. This is the time to fight!

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