US Navy outmaneuvers Congress foes, continues commercial scale biofuel


Sen. John McCain and other troglodytes in Congress tried to block the Navy from developing sources for biofuel. Happily, the Navy won and will be developing three biorefineries producing 100 million gallons a year of military grade biofuel. These include biofuel from waste chicken fat, municipal solid waste. and forestry leftovers.

The Navy is committed to greatly reducing reliance of fossil fuels and completely accepts that climate change is happening.

The Secretary of the Navy issued several energy goals to increase warfighting capability, both strategically and tactically. From a strategic perspective, the objective is to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Tactically, the objective is to use energy sources available on location and increase energy efficiency to reduce the vulnerability that is often associated with long fuel supply transport lines and increase operational capability.

Energy efficiency increases mission effectiveness. Efficiency improvements minimize operational risks, while saving time, money and lives.

Energy security is critical to mission success. Energy security safeguards our energy infrastructure and shields the Navy from a volatile energy supply.

Sustainable efforts protect mission capabilities. Investment in environmentally responsible technologies afloat and ashore reduces green house gas emissions and lessens dependence on fossil fuels.

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