When will Americans discover irony?

Andy Carling writing for New Europe on the US State Department announcing World Press Freedom Day in D.C. next May. They bill it as a celebration of empowered citizens reporting news even if doing so could embarrass or anger governments, saying “we are concerned about the determination of some governments to censor and silence individuals, and to restrict the free flow of information.”

By this point, rational people would wonder what planet the State Dept lived on. On Earth, the world has been shaken by a series of WikiLeaks revelations, from videos of gratuitous killings of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, to the highly detailed breakdown of events in The War Against Nouns.

We have also seen the US led campaign against WikiLeaks and Assange. This has included pressurising companies to halt even the legal defence defence funding and the removal of the website from servers owned by Amazon. Strangely, you can still buy a copy of the leaked cables, in a Kindle edition on Amazon

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