It’s not just about Coakley’s inept campaign. The electorate is changing

Perhaps it is true that Martha Coakley has run a lousy campaign and Scott Brown has run a terrific campaign. Actually, that is true.

But, really, this is all about the voters, many of whom are clearly tired of being told what to think and who they should vote for, and are taking things into their own hands.

That’s what is changing, and it’s changing fast. The two-party system with its implied ‘vote for me because the other candidate is even worse’ shuck-and-jive is breaking down. Voters on all sides of the political spectrum increasingly reject such nonsense.

Traditional politicians have no idea how to deal with this, the leading edge of the coming populist storm.

But the real danger lurked elsewhere.

It was running as the candidate of the establishment with an electorate that suddenly seems to want anything else.

She may still win. But this race shouldn’t have been close.


  1. Just wait: the TeaParty folks (and their sympathizers, whom I think number ten to their one) will come to their senses, and stop paying as much attention to shills like Beck and grifters like Palin, and then things will get REALLY interesting.

  2. Why wait? Why not get out there and help the process along? The so-called Right gained their influence through years of [unopposed] grassroots work. Now there’s a huge opportunity. What are y’all waiting for.

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