Community-invested news and the Somalia pirates


Josh Mull, who posts here, also blogs at Read or Alive. He wants to take real-time, community supported journalism to new levels and unexplored areas.

Imagine if you could tweet your own questions for Somali pirates and have them answered via audio or perhaps even video within a few days? We can do that right now, utilizing skype, mobile phone networks, and even Utterli or When news came that the pirates were killed and Captain Phillips freed, our correspondent in Harardhere could have provided immediate access to the response of locals in the pirate village. Viewers at home could have asked their own questions of the locals supported by Somalia’s pirate economy.

Read or Alive has already done similar things in Afghanistan, and the technology to do all of this exists now.

How do we take news / blogging / Twitter to the next level? Read or Alive is trail-blazing a path.

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