Month November 2005

Tribe: Abramoff arranged Dorgan donation

New evidence is emerging that the top Democrat on the Senate committee currently investigating Jack Abramoff got political money arranged by the lobbyist back in 2002 shortly after the lawmaker took action favorable to Abramoff’s tribal clients. Doncha just love…

Telling his story to save his life

Front page, LA Times Writer Barbara Becnel has made clemency for Stanley Williams a global cause celebre. During a jailhouse visit in 1993 to research a book on gangs, writer Barbara Becnel discovered that Williams, who is scheduled to be…

Music podcasts

There’s some great music here, all free and legal to download. Hoodhype: Urban, hip-hop Indigenous Peoples Music Nahenahe.Net. Hawaiian Music Tartan Podcast. Scottish indie music

Leftie blogdom heartbroken

Bill O’Reilly’s much-hyped enemies list is now online. He chose (now steady yourself before reading this List of Evil) The New York Daily News The St. Petersburg Times (is this the one in Florida or the one in Russia???) MSNBC…