Tag urban farming

Urban farming. Glasgow to Detroit

Glasgow2Detroit Trailer from Away Ye Grow on Vimeo. Don MacKeen, an Amercian expat in Glasgow mailed me about his documentary Detroit to Glasgow, which is about urban farming and creating new futures in post-industrial cities. Just came across your website…

High performance sustainable polyculture agriculture

Indoor agriculture boosts yields by mixing crops. Polydome is a revolutionary approach to greenhouse agriculture that offers the possibility of commercial scale, net-zero-impact food production. The Polydome system strategically interweaves a wide variety of crops and animals, taking advantage of…

World’s largest rooftop garden in Brooklyn

A wide variety of organic produce is grown by Brooklyn Grange on a rooftop in Brooklyn, It’s nearly an acre in size. Inhabitat has the details. This is positively inspiring. What other abandoned and unused space in cities can we…

The Urban Farming Guys

Triple Pundit The Urban Farming Guys are a group of self-proclaimed “revolutionaries” made up of 20 families who decided to move from suburbia to the inner-city of Kansas City, MO to start a community urban farm and sustainable living experiment.…