Tag Cuba

Cuba. Crash landing

Marc Cooper You can perfume this anyway you like but what we are seeing is a second-drawer emulation of the Chinese model: the formal introduction of an expanded capitalist market(and all the class differences that come with it) unaccompanied by…

Posada indicted on new charges

An anti-Castro Cuban militant was accused Wednesday in a federal indictment of lying about his involvement in a series of 1997 bombings that targeted tourist spots in Cuba. Luis Posada Carriles, a former CIA operative and U.S. Army soldier, was…

Something big is up in Havana

From Havana Note, who is friendly towards Cuba. What has happened is that Raul Castro, now President of Cuba, has sacked his brother’s closest followers and advisers in government. Both Vice President Carlos Lage and Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque…