Catholic Church continues lurch back to Dark Ages

A nine year old in Brazil was impregnated by her step father. Her parents got her a legal abortion as Brazil law permits in cases of rape or health risks to the mother.

The Catholic Church has made a great show of excommunicating her mother and doctors, even after Brazil’s president criticized them for doing so.

The current Pope, both as Pope and before, has insured that the hierarchy only be filled with right wing, true believer zealots, like the anti-Semitic holocaust-denier bishop he just forgave. The Vatican continues its sharp, steady, inexorable move to the extreme right and irrelevance.

One comment

  1. Gee – they excommunicate the doctors for doing what needed to be done to save the girl. They excommunicate the mother (well maybe she should have been if the girl had been sexually abused since she was six and her handicapped sister also) for finally doing something to help her daughter. BUT… no word on whether they excommunicated the stepfather. hmmmm I smell something stinky – like the RC again doing whatever they can to protect rapists and child molesters and punishing the innocent victims of these horrible attacks.

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