Madoff news. 12/27

The web of corruption, fraud, and destroyed lives created by Madoff’s scam continues to spread.

The French financier who lost $1.7 billion of client’s money in Madoff fund, also lost his entire fortune and that of friends and family. He committed suicide.

Annals of Gullibility. Fooled by Ponzi (and Madoff). How Bernard Madoff made off with my money (even Stephen Greenspan got scammed even though he wrote a book about gullibility and financial scams)

The partners of Madoff feeder fund Fairfield Greenwich Partners had little of their own money in the fund yet told everyone Madoff was fine as they charged enormous fees for apparently doing very little.

Madoff must reveal assets to Feds
. If he lies about his assets, then that becomes a whole new set of felonies he can be charged with.

Madoff salesman Jaffe pawning suits
. And probably needs to hire a bodyguard, if he could afford to.

Rabbi: Kick Madoff out of the Jewish people

Was subprime lending as dishonest as Madoff?


  1. Don’t forget his neice married a SEC investigator. Probably had a reason why he was never investigated. You may want to check out who his political allies are. Follow the money…

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