Peter Camejo memorial service

More than 400 people gathered at the University of California-Berkeley on November 23 to honor the life of Peter Miguel Camejo, a veteran of half a century of struggle, who passed away September 13.

In 1967, then-governor Ronald Reagan called Camejo one of California’s ten most dangerous citizens due to his presence at anti-war protests. He was the Socialist Workers Party nominee for President in 1976, ran for VP with Nader in 2004, and for governor of California three times as a Green.

His influence in Left circles was enormous. From Todd Chretien’s remarks at the memorial service.

The thing that shines through about Peter is that he never gave up for a moment. He never sold out his ideals, because they were not light-minded ideas, but well-founded principles upon which he built his life and his political activities.

And though we don’t have him here physically by our side, I believe that millions of people are going to wake up in the years that come, and Peter Camejo’s ideas will be part of their struggle. After all, today, even the Wall Street Journal is talking about socialism.

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