Online searchable health records

Google Health plan

From Dare Obasanjo comes the above SlashDot screen shot. Note the circled tage at the bottom.

It’s not just Google. Microsoft and Steve Case, co-founder of AOL are also developing plans to have health records searchable and online.

The third-party services are troublesome because they aren’t covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPPA.

This, among other issues, makes confidentiality problematic. It would also make sharing of medical data between doctors and clinics vastly simpler, which would certainly be a good thing.


  1. People is really sensible to the confidentiality of their medical data. It is critical information.

    The danger with Google Health and HealthVault is that somebody in the future crack their security systems.

    Also the fact about a private company getting data about your health must concern us.

    There is an alternative,, designed by the doctor that described the first case of Wiiitis, its philosophy is based on total anonymous users. A smart mechanism allows the store of clinical record without asking you any personal data (not even your email).

    Confidentiality is in such a way assured.

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