House panel passes Armenian genocide resolution

It now goes to the House floor, where Democratic leaders say there will be a vote by mid-November. There is a companion bill in the Senate, but both measures are strictly symbolic, and do not require the president’s signature.

It should be noted that Bob Dole was the first member of Congress to put forward a resolution recognizing the Armenian genocide. He was badly wounded in WWII and nearly died. His life was saved by an Armenian doctor in Chicago who survived the genocide, and who told Dole about it. Dole never stopped trying to get the genocide recognized and has been awarded by the Armenian community for his efforts.


  1. Uhhhmmmmm…, folks, I’m as sorry for what happened to the Armenians a hundred years ago as I am to what happened to my ancestors here over the past five hundred years, but it’s done, over, in the past.

    As we speak Israel, the Mother of All Terrorist States, an utterly foreign occupier with no legal or moral justification to exist, is perpetrating an American funded, supplied and supported genocide on an indigenous people right now.

  2. As Simon Frumpkin, Dachau survivor, once said when I heard him speak, holocausts continue to occur. He believed that by bearing witness to past holocausts, we can help prevent future ones. Hence I was pleased (and of course disturbed) to see that in the movie “Hidalgo,” the representation of what happened at Wounded Knee was very close to eyewitness accounts. If that scene doesn’t outrage you, check your pulse: you may already be dead.

    We need to remember what our ancestors have done– else we are destined to repeat it. Recognize atrocity and bear witness to it, so that no one may say they didn’t know.

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