War is Peace

Americans in Iraq walk a fine line as they try to keep the peace amid sectarian strife.

Keep the peace? The US created the war with their unprovoked invasion. The vast majority of Iraqis want them gone. For mainstream media to continue pretending the US is an impartial peacekeeper in Iraq is Big Brother propaganda. War is Peace. We are winning because we say we are winning. Reality must not be permitted to intrude. Yet it does.

41 killed in five explosions in Baghdad

A prison riot and reality check

The rebellion in the Afghan prison, Policharki in Kabul, has highlighted the deteriorating situation in the Central Asian country.

That’s two countries the US has invaded that are collapsing. Mainstream media seems oblivious. The people are not. Neither are the troops.

Most troops think they should leave Iraq

“An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and nearly one in four say the troops should leave immediately,” a new Le Moyne College/Zogby survey shows.

Ah well, the generals aren’t the ones getting killed, are they? So they’ll keep sending other people’s children to die in an insane attempt to grab oil and power in the Middle East.

On March 18, there will be nationwide antiwar demonstrations, with major actions in DC, LA, SF, and elsewhere as well. Join us in protesting these insane wars for empire. It’s always the people who force the change, and that starts with peiople in the streets.

One comment

  1. I’m a fan(?) of the manipulation of language for political ends, and that first observation, the ubiquity of the assertion that the US is “keeping the peace” in Iraq, is a brilliant catch.

    The one that’s got me fascinated right now is the linguistic battle between “civil war” and “sectarian violence.” To me the political implications on support for the war are impacted by this editorial decision.

    The WaPo and CNN seem to have settled on the latter which is of course the Bush admin’s choice.

    Thanks. that’s a good catch.


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