Tag Venezuela

April 8 March in DC

From the ANSWER Coalition Stop the Threats Against Venezuela and Cuba! On Saturday, April 8, thousands of people from cities all over the United States will travel by bus and car caravan to march on the White House. This demonstration…

U.S. threats against Venezuela

The following is text to a talk given by Carlos Alvarez at an ANSWER LA meeting Tuesday night. Whether it’s North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, the White House continues their belligerent talk and implied threats of military action. That’s why it’s…

Chávez sends heating oil to South Bronx

A group of South Bronx residents will soon receive a large – and inexpensive – shipment of heating oil, courtesy of President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, a frequent thorn in the side of the Bush administration. So why doesn’t the…

Venezuela gives US cheap oil deal

Officials from Venezuela and Massachusetts have signed a deal providing cheap heating oil to low-income homes in the US state. The fuel will be sold at some 40% below market prices to thousands of homes over the winter months Talks…