Tag twitter

Give a thought to Fargo

FargoFloodStage on Twitter from the National Weather Service shows the relentless rise of the Red River and links to an ominous flood crest prediction. The river was supposed to crest at 39 feet. Now it looks to be 42 feet,…

Twitter, the most important website since Google?

Twitter (and Facebook) are disruptive technologies. A disruptive technology or disruptive innovation is a technological innovation that improves a product or service in ways that the market does not expect, Disruptive technologies are particularly threatening to the leaders of an…

Twellow. Find Twitter users to follow

With Twellow you enter a search phrase, like “cleantech.” It searchs, then lists Twitter users with that interest. You can view information about, then click to Follow. They also have a hierarchical directory of Twitterers by category, and lots more…