Tag Respect Party

Galloway faction splits from Respect

The rupture seems complete. SWP, the Marxist vanguard party that burrowed itself into Respect, has apparently succeeded in mangling, maybe even destroying it, as well as hurting themselves too. And here I thought solidarity was a bedrock principle of Marxism,…

Respect / SWP. The bigger issues

There’s an interesting discussion on Marxmail on the Respect / SWP donnybrook, discussing how the party-building doctrine of a Marxist vanguard sometimes means they use mass organizations as recruiting and propaganda tools rather than as a way to work with…

SWP purges dissidents

The Socialist Workers Party (UK) has purged three high visibility members in a fight ostensibly about whether they should be allowed to hold posts within Respect, the left wing party co-founded by member of parliament George Galloway. But the fight…